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Editorial Policy

Editorial policy is created by a team of expert journalists with decades of combined experience in the fashion, beauty and retail sectors.

We are committed to producing content to the highest possible standard and in a timely manner for our target audience of fashion industry professionals.

Corrections & clarifications

While every effort is made to ensure the content we produce is fair and accurate, mistakes can happen and we are committed to correcting them as soon as possible.

We also endeavour to ensure that relevant parties are given the right to reply to stories that concern them.

However if you see an error or would like to clarify a story, please do contact us on [email protected]

Guest content and blog posts

On occasion we do publish content on our site in partnership with trusted industry sources, either as part of a paid campaign or in the form of expert opinion.

Any paid post will be clearly marked “in partnership with” (or similar wording) while expert comment will include the professional credentials of the author.

We do not accept unsolicited guest posts, paid or otherwise, from companies or individuals who have no professional links to the fashion, beauty or retail industries. Nor will we publish guest posts that are, in effect, advertising posing as editorial or content created solely for the purpose of generating links.

If you would like to discuss partnerships with, please email us at [email protected]

Link policy will use links to third party websites where we feel they add value to a particular story.

For instance, we may link to the source of news on a credible third-party media site or to reports and documents that may help our readers’ understanding of a topic.

We will also link to brands’ and retailers’ sites where doing so adds value to the story, but we will only do so for brands or retailers who are the main focus of a story.

We will not add links to stories for brands and retailers at the request of marketing agencies and nor will we post content and comment that has been created solely with the purpose of generating links.

Standards & ethics

We are committed to fairness and balance in our reporting at all times. Our aim is to support the industry we serve with timely information and data and inspirational stories.

This does not mean we will shy away from bad news, but will always seek to ensure the tone is appropriate for a business media platform and it is not our aim to sensationalise stories.

If you are concerned about any of our content or would like to seek clarification about our reporting practices, please email [email protected]

Using our content

If you would like to use extracts from our content or would like comment from our team of journalists for your own content, please contact [email protected]

If you would like to contact our journalists individually, please see our Contact Us page.

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